Thursday 31 January 2013

What Can Government Do?

What could the government do to tackle sex and racial discrimination?
Which should they do first?
Why is it important for society?
Would it work and why/why not?


  1. No matter what governments do it will always be down to a matter of opinion. There are many laws in place nowadays that are broken frequently due to different opinions

  2. No laws will be able to change public opinion. It will just take time for people to change their minds on discrimination.

    1. There are some laws which have changed some people's opinions. What about the law that your not allowed on your phone whilst driving? people still do it but some people have either stopped or refuse to never do it because of the law that was introduced. The majority of the society was unaware of the danger involved but with the introduction to the recent law people have changed their minds.

  3. they need to intensify the punishments given for sexist and racial crimes, despite the fact they have the laws in place many people still break them and dont get punished severly enough

    1. What type of punishments would you put in place if someone made a sexist or racial comment?

    2. depending on how severe it is i would say death penalty, would send a big message to society

    3. increase the punishments? It all depends on how bad the sexual or racial comment was.

    4. So you are going to kill some one for being a bit racist?

  4. The government could place all the laws they like to prevent sex and racial discrimination but the social opinion on them would hardly change this is due to older generations upbringing even now racism and sexism is a massive problem. we think, that this will only disappear when our generation are pensioners.

  5. Cleggo could make a promise.

    1. yes he could but it wont make a difference, its all a matter of social opinion, one man can not change the whole view of society, for example if though their is a law that you arent allowed on your phone whilst driving many people still do it and get away with it

  6. Charlotte + Emma31 January 2013 at 09:44

    The government can't do anything to ever fully stop racism and sexism. They can put in laws to stop these, but can never change someone's opinion, this can take generations, however if the opinion stays with someone it can be passed on through the generations. The government can't fully in-force racism sand sexism laws because many of the incidents happen behind closed doors.

    1. Have you considered that if new laws are put in place then it might make people have another opinion? I agree that no matter what laws are put in place people will always have an opinion but it does not mean that a new law could not shape peoples opinions.

    2. People break laws daily. There is nothing you can do to stop that.

  7. In December 2010, the UK Government published “The Equality Strategy –
    Building a Fairer Britain”, setting out its proposals for tackling the barriers to equal
    opportunities and social mobility. Specific, targeted measures to promote equal
    opportunities and tackle discrimination will be taken forward by central
    Government and separately by the DAs.

  8. The government should work on tackling discrimination within society, as equality is essential for making society function and to make its members happy. They can offer legal protection, but they can't necessarily change people's opinions, and discrimintation can still exist in secret eg the glass ceiling, institutional racism

  9. Government action should be taken to tackle both sex and racial discrimination. To tackle inequalities between genders and ethnicities, the government could create a law which forces businesses to have a certain percentage of men and women and ethnic minorities in managerial roles.

  10. To make society more racially equal the racism laws need to be made to apply to white people as well because a black person can be legally racist for example

    1. But also for other ethic minorities.

  11. Alex, Emily, Chloe31 January 2013 at 09:47

    Governments could do anything to try and stop sex and racial discrimination but its down to public opinion and it will take time for people's views and opinions to change. Governments have made laws to prevent sex and racial discrimination. But they cant stop it in small areas for example; the work place

    1. It may be down to public opinions, but it has been shown that it is the older generation of today's society that are racist and sexist. Soon they will die out so all problems will be solved and equality will exist :)

    2. Opinions can be passed down the generations so even when they die the problems will not stop.

    3. There is a law in the work place, The sex discrimination act. (1975)

  12. Nothing could be done, unless it was possible to stop people saying certain thing's? Which isn't...

  13. To tackle sex discrimination, the government could employ equal men and women into parliament.
    This would be important to society because at the moment society is mainly controlled by men, but if male and female are equally represented in political situations then society will benefit sexes as both points of view are taken into account when enforcing laws etc.
    However, this may not work because the quality of politicians may decrease when trying to get equal amounts of female and male.

    1. The quality of politician's is already low..

  14. The government should tackle the race discrimination issue first. This is because the gender gap has been gradually closing over the last 40 years with only some government action. Racism is still a common issue

  15. There is no way of choosing between making a law to stop sexist comments or making a law to stop racial comments. They are both important therefore one law should not be made before another.

  16. People don't follow the law because the punishments are so minimal. If the punishments were increase, maybe people wouldn't be so racist and sexist. Yes, people could criticise this to the extreme that the law wont change peoples minds but it would definitely make people think twice to what's more important in life.

    1. This statement is very true. What kind of punishments would you put in place?

  17. Socialisation is the key. If we socialise children at a very early age at school in the correct manner they will despise sexism and racism and then we just have to play the waiting game. We have to change peoples minds and not the law, as much as the law is a great thing it can't protect everyone all the time.

  18. Casual sexism is more widely tolerated than racism. Sexism is used for comedic reasons within the media for example in adverts
